Monday 6 June 2011

Why I write ... a video of me!

There is a video of me, for National Young Writers Month (NYWM), talking about Why I write and what inspires me to write. It's the first video of me on YouTube! Quite exciting actually :)

I have set goals for June (which I've mentioned in a previous post) for NYWM and I'm really excited about them. I figure that while I'm on uni holidays and not working so much, I gotta really make use of my time.

My June Goals:
  • To finish revising my most recent short story.
  • Write this story I've been researching for weeks now, based on my late grandfathers life.
  • Write this new story I've been planning
  • Read 8 books
  • Learn a word everyday
  • And write a Haiku poem every day. (Although it's the 6th and I haven't been doing so well on this yet.) 
  • Blog more. 
  • Walk the dog more. 
So what I'm going to do in June is get really organised with my blogging. 
I want to post a series on How I write, What I write, Where I write, Who I write (starting off with this post on Why I write) and once a week give an update on my goals, maybe post some of my new words and some of my haikus. 

Anyway, the video kinda explains why I write, but I was so nervous when they filmed it, that afterwards, I was just like 'what happened...' 

I started writing when I was in year 7 at school and by year 8, I'd already signed myself up for a John Marsden Writing Camp (much to my parents surprise). I don't really know why I started, it just kind of happened; it was something I had to do. Sentenced formed in my head and words just seemed so beautiful and fun. People and situation were translated into story form, and it soon became an obsession. I would write every night. I would write at school. I would reading lots. It was how I understood the world.
I write now because I couldn't imagine stopping. There have been times where I have been so frustrated and said that I was going to stop writing, but I always went straight back to it.
I write because I want to tell stories in the way I see them and in the way that I understand the world. I write because I want to be published. I write to challenge myself. I write to hopefully influence other people. I write because when I do, something inside me jumps and laughs. I write because it's who I am now.

I read this post on Benjamin Law and why he writes. I thought it was cute. 

Why do you write?


  1. Love your goals :) esp. the new word every day thing. That's cool! hehe

  2. I saw the video on the NYWM blog. I don't think you seemed awkawrd at all! has a word a day app you can put on your blog or get on your phone. Today's word is 'pecksniffian' which means hypocritically and smugly affecting benevolence or high moral principles. So there ya go. :)

  3. Very neat! You seemed quite confident with yourself... not neverous at all. Well done!

    I write because there is a creative fountain in my head that is constantly spewing forth neat ideas. I put these ideas on paper so they can't slip away from me, and so that hopefully, one day others can enjoy them too! In the meantime, it makes me incredibly happy to see my characters and stories--products of my own imagination--come to life on paper!
